Complete the sentences with the -ing form or infinitive of the verb in brackets. 1) have you finished ) your homework yet? 2) don`t forget ) the door. 3) ) in london is expensive. 4) i hate (not have) a phone! 5) she doesn`t mind ) us. 6) i can`t imagine watch) tv. 7) she promised be) late. 8) ) the internet is easy. 9) he can`t stand ) on his own. 10) she advised us stay) in that hotel.

diasashat11 diasashat11    1   18.05.2019 17:30    3

SilverSalt SilverSalt  11.06.2020 23:27

1) Have you finished doing your homework yet?
2) Don`t forget to lock the door. 
3) To live in London is expensive.
4) I hate not having a phone!
5) She doesn`t mind helping us.
6) I can`t imagine not watching TV.
7) She promised not to be late.
8) To use the internet is easy.
9) He can`t stand being on his own.
10) She advised us not to stay in that hotel.

angelnoya1 angelnoya1  11.06.2020 23:27

1. doing



4not having

5 helping

6 (not watching


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