Complete the sentences with the correct word. answer call message phenes press

ringing wrong

Example: Do you often speak to your parents?

"Yes, we phone them every day.

1 What's that noise?'

"Oh, that's my phone. It's 2 "Do you want to use this phone?

"Yes, please, Can you finish your 3 What do you do?

'I'm a receptionist. I greet visitors and the phone,

4 'I want to call John.

"Find 'John' on the phone and 5 'Hello, Mandy.

I'm sorry, I'm not Mandy. You have the 6 'Roger isn't here at the moment.

"Can you give a

to him?

the button,





5 Complete the words,

Example: My favourite music is rock

1 James plays the violin in an o cht 2 We often go to classical musica ce_ts.

3 Miles Davis is my favourite j. musician, 4 She likes R & B, but she doesn't like hip h

5 Coldplay are a famous rock g ...- 6 My brother plays the guitar in a he ymt_l band.

6 Complete the lists, Example: August September October

1 second, third, fourth 2 eighth,

ninth, - 3 spring, summer,



winter March April

5 eighteenth nineteenth, twentieth

6 November, December,


8 May.



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