Complete the sentences with the correct form
of be going to and the verbs in brackets.
1 a: sharon australia in the summer? (visit)
b: no, she..japan. (visit)
2 a: when dave and married? (get)
b: in september. they a big wedding.
(not have)
3 choose the correct answers.
mark: what will you/ are you going to do this
jenny: my cousin 'will / is going to visit us
and we will / are going to go to the
mark: that sounds nice. i think it will / is going
to be fun.
jenny: yes. i'm sure we will/are going to have
a good time.
+ complete the questions with was, were or did.
1 where you born?
2 what lisa study?
3 when you go to france?
4 study biology at school?
5 mike good at maths?
6 your parents at home last night? ​

MrHleb MrHleb    2   13.10.2019 06:01    8

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