Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. (break enter exchange have not pass) 26. We didn't expect to win the competition when we it. 27. In the film, Jack Crow has to a code written in an ancient language. 28. I'm really sorry that you your driving test. Better luck next time! 29. I emails with my e-friend in Japan a few times a week. 30. I've a conversation with Mandy, and she's very angry with you. You should go and apologize.​

12VikaSmirnova34 12VikaSmirnova34    1   21.06.2021 15:08    0

Sofa8412 Sofa8412  21.07.2021 16:08

26. We didn't expect to win the competition when we entered it.

27. In the film, Jack Crow has to break a code written in an ancient language

28. I'm really sorry that you have not passed your driving text. Bettwe luck next time!

29. I exchange emails with my e-friend in Japan a few times a week.

30. I've had a conversation with Mandy, and she's very angry with you. You should go and apologize


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