Complete the sentences with the correct form of be going to and the verbs in brackets.
1. That film was brilliant. I (buy) the DVD.
2. It's really cold today. I think it (snow).
3. Karl doesn't want to be a doctor. He (study) medicine.
4. They (make) Star Wars in 3D. It'll be fantastic.
5. Marnie wants to be an actress. She (go) to drama school.
6. I hate vampire films, so i (enjoy) the Twilight films.

recebramazanov recebramazanov    3   28.04.2020 13:21    20

hoylli333 hoylli333  14.10.2020 00:44

1. am going to buy

2. is going to snow

3. isn't going to study

4. are going to make

5. is going to go

6. am not going to enjoy

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