Complete the sentences with the appropriate tense: SIMPLE PAST or PAST CONTINUOUS 1. When I
(get back), my mum
(cook) dinner
2. Nick
(dance) at a party when he
(meet) his girlfriend.
3. A: What
(you / do) last weekend? B: Nothing special.
4. I
(finish) watching that series on Netflix. I
like) the ending
5. Linda
(surf) when the shark
(attack) her.
6. We
(have) a picnic when it
(start) to rain.
(talk) to my friend on the phone when the bus
8. When the earthquake
(happen), they
9. What
(she / do) at 9:00 last night?
10. What
(she / see) while she

1111POLINA1111 1111POLINA1111    2   19.04.2021 18:21    12

zolotuk123 zolotuk123  19.04.2021 18:30

1. When I hot back, my mum was cooking dinner

2. Nick was dancing at a party when he met his Girlfriends

3. A: What was you doing last weekend? B: Nothing special.

4. I was finishing watching that series on Netflix. I didn't like the ending

5. Linda was serfing when the shark

attacked her.

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