Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns.
Translate into Russian.
(Поставьте в предложения подходящие возвратные местоимения, переведи
предложения на русский язык)
1. Kate burnt while cooking.
2. Tom had to go to hospital after he cut on some broken glass.
3. Shall we make some lunch?
4. The Browns painted their house .
5. Be careful! If you fall off that wall, you’ll hurt .
6. The cat sat by the fire washing .
7. He was very pleased with when he got the promotion at work.
8. Jack organised everything for the holiday.
9. Pat quickly looked at in the mirror before she left the house.
10.You should plan your life

atexpro444ggvg atexpro444ggvg    1   03.05.2020 18:22    0

IronManGold IronManGold  14.10.2020 06:21

1. herself

2. himself

3. ourselves

4. themselves

5. yourself

6. itself

7. himself

8. himself

9. herself

10. yourself

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