Complete the sentences with one word. 1 what music is this? it sounds beethoven. 2 i’m afraid you can’t come with us. there’s room in the car. 3 of my two sisters looks like me. they’re both dark and i’m blonde. 4 i’m to getting up early. i’ve been doing it for years. 5 i can’t used to working every day. i’d love to be a student again! 6 i was really angry when jack accused me of telling the truth. 7 i didn’t enjoy the concert even it was my favourite band. 8 that’s my colleague husband works for bill gates. 9 you shouldn’t said that to her. you know how sensitive she is. 10 you look if you have seen a ghost! what’s the matter? 11 i wish my parents stop arguing about money all the time. 12 my eldest brother, is a doctor, speaks german fluently. 13 she have left already – her car is still outside the house. 14 the terrible weather, we still had a great time camping. 15 we’re the roof repaired on our house at the moment. we’d like to sell it next year.

TheBrainPlay TheBrainPlay    2   19.05.2019 08:30    8

nanamaz nanamaz  12.06.2020 12:50

1)like. 2)another. 3)2. 4)used.  5)be.  6)my.  7)-.   8)of.   9)-.  10)like.   11)will.   12)who.  13)-.  14)it is.  15)-.

utseetstse utseetstse  12.06.2020 12:50

1. like

2. no

3. none

4. used

5. get

6. not

7. when

8 whos

9 have

10 as

11 would

12 who

13 mustn't

14 in spite of

15 getting

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