Complete the sentences with must, mustn't or needn't. 1. you arrive in class on time. 2. you mobile phones in cla: .s. 3. you a dictionary to english as there are some in the classroom. 4. you be polite to the teachers. 5. do your homework on time. 6. bring sandwiches for lunch. there's a canteen. 7. go to afterschool activities. 8. you while the teacher is. 9. leave any money in the classroom. 10. bring your own paper. the school provides it.

assimie assimie    3   31.07.2019 05:20    0

ванюшаплай ванюшаплай  28.09.2020 12:20
1.must 2.mustnt 3.must 4.must 5.must 6.must 7.neednt 8.must 9.mustnt 10.must
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