Complete the sentences with: is there, are there, there is (n't), there are ( n't). answer the question. carpet in the room? window in the room? tables in the room? armchairs in the room? sofa in the room? a lamp in the room? a bookcase in the room? paintings in the room?

бракус11 бракус11    1   09.07.2019 10:50    0

z478 z478  07.08.2020 19:20
Is there  a carpet in the room?
Yes, there is.
Is there  a window in the room?
Yes, there is.
Are there two tables in the room?
No, there aren't.
Are there three armchairs in the room?
Yes, there are.
Is there a sofa in the room?
No, there isn't.
Is there a lamp in the room?
Yes, there is.
Is there a bookcase in the room?
No, there isn't.
Are there paintings in the room?
No, there aren't.
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