Complete the sentences with for or since. 0 I’ve studied English for three years.
1 We’ve been here 2 p.m. Let’s go home.
2 I haven’t been to this café my last birthday.
3 Jack has waited a long time to see this film.
4 Has David lived in that house he got married?
5 It hasn’t rained here weeks.

Barbara7264 Barbara7264    1   30.05.2023 20:45    0

nik2004g nik2004g  30.05.2023 20:46

Здесь вам нужно вставить предлоги "for" или "since". Важно помнить, что мы используем "for" для определения продолжительности действия (например, "три года"), а "since" для указания момента начала действия (например, "с моего последнего дня рождения").

I’ve studied English for three years. ✔️We’ve been here since 2 p.m. Let’s go home.I haven’t been to this cafe since my last birthday. Jack has waited for a long time to see this film.Has David lived in that house since he got married? It hasn’t rained here for weeks. ️