Complete the sentences with comparative and superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1 In general, people in Australia are than people in Africa, but people in Europe are

Complete the sentences with the comparative and superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.


2 Cycling is

3 In the UK, rugby is

4 1 think geography is subject (bad)

5 The classroom is

6 Trains are

transport (safe)

7 Football is

than walking to school, but trams are

than tennis, but football is

than history, but physics is

than the library, but the computer room is

than coaches, but planes are

than judo, but sking is

3 Find the mistakes in each sentence. Circle the mistake and write the correction.

1 Which is more far from your country. Russia or Australia?

2 Who is the more polite student in your class?

3 The supermarket is busyer than the small shop

4 My smartphone is expensiver than my laptop. 5 The chef only uses the most freshest food

6 What's the better website to use for our homework?

7 My bedroom is biger than my brother's room

(good) (popular

form of


Lena2402bux Lena2402bux    2   20.03.2021 12:26    116

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