Complete the sentences with:

• can’t • should • can • might

• don’t have to • shouldn’t • could

1. You …………….. see the doctor without an appointment.

2 . She …………….. go to the doctor with that cough.

3 . Mum says we …………….. have some ice cream after dinner.

4 .…………….. I borrow your history book, please?

5 . You …………….. eat too much fried food because it’s bad for you.

Пан2007 Пан2007    1   16.03.2020 08:23    1

Вано137 Вано137  11.10.2020 22:54

ответ:1)You can t see the docktor.

           2)She shoud go to the docktor.

           3)Mum says we can have.

           4)Coud I borrow your.

           5)You shoudn t eat too much fried.


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