Complete the sentences with am, is, are
1) there … pears in the basket.

2) he … not a teacher. he works in the shop.

3) it’s raining in the street. i … all wet.

4) there … not any chocolate in the fridge.

5) … they americans? – no, but their mother is american.

2. answer the questions.

1) what season is the coldest? –

2) what season is it now? –

3) what’s your favorite food? –

4) why do people wear light clothes in summer? –

5) when do you have dinner with your family? –

3. choose the correct variant.

1) listen! the bird … in the tree. (sings/is singing)

2) i usually … books in the evening. (read/am reading)

3) david … to work; he is a pupil. (doesn’t go; isn’t working)

4) they … in the yard at the moment. (play; are playing)

5) … you often … trousers? (do wear; are … wearing)

4. complete the sentences with some, any.

1) there is … milk in the bottle.

2) are there … oranges in the bag?

3) there isn’t … porridge in the plate.

4) there are … carrots on the table.

5) is there … water at the front door?

Bab4enock Bab4enock    3   07.08.2019 12:00    6

winterwhite123 winterwhite123  04.10.2020 02:57
4) is

1) Winter is the coldest season
2) it is summer now
3)My favorite food is meat
4)People wear light clothes in summer because so they feel less hot and more comfortable
5)I have dinner with my family at 6 o’clock

1)is singing
3)doesn’t go
4)are playing
5)Do you often wear

1) some
3) any
4) some
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