Complete the sentences using to be going to. 1. I like singing. I ... be a singer.

2. His birthday is soon. He... organize a party.

3. She did her lessons. She ... watch TV. 4. We like flowers. We ... plant a lot in our garden.

5. They are in London. They ... visit Buckingham Palace.

6. You are good at drawing. ... take part at the exhibition?

artyomfyodorov artyomfyodorov    1   14.12.2021 22:30    0

SForest SForest  05.02.2022 03:48

1) I like singing. I am going to be a singer.

2. His birthday is soon. He is going to organize a party.

3. She did her lessons. She is going to watch TV.

4. We like flowers. We are going to plant a lot in our garden.

5. They are in London. They are going to visit Buckingham Palace.

6. You are good at drawing. Are you going to take part at the exhibition ?

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