Complete the sentences using the words in bold. use two to five words. 3 wouldn't you rather have juice than water? to wouldn't water? 4 i spent half as much money as my brother. twice my brother spent i did. 5 riding a bike is easier than riding a horse. as riding a horse is a bike. 6 wouldn't you prefer to come out instead of staying at home alone? rather wouldn't at home alone? 7 i didn't think it would be so difficult. more it i thought. 8 this building is older than the church. so the this building. 9 his job is getting more hectic all the time. and his job all the time. 10 david and i have sent the same number of christmas cards. many i have david. 11 i'd weigh a ton if i ate all you do. as if i i'd weigh a ton. 12 the post office was nearer than we thought. far the post office we thought. 13 if you work hard, the exam will be easy. the the harder you will be. 14 the party will be better if many people come. more the the better the party will be. 15 i would rather eat chocolate than apples. eating i apples.

ilyafedoseev ilyafedoseev    2   06.04.2019 12:53    4

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