Complete the sentences using the present
perfect form of the verbs in brackets and
for or since.
1 We _Tom three weeks.(not see)
2 Our school_here _1990.(be)
3 That singer a big ego she appeared
on TV. (have)
41_a good song - a long time. (not hear)
5 Theya CD two years. (not release)
6 This is my lucky pen.
l it. months. (have).​

zeleninalina20 zeleninalina20    3   27.03.2020 18:07    3

Alina228321234 Alina228321234  12.10.2020 07:18

We haven't seen Tom for three weeks.

Our school has been here since 1990

That singer has had  a big ego since she appeared on TV

Have not heard a good song for a long time

They haven't released a CD for two years

This is my lucky pen. I have had it since month


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