Complete the sentences using the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 my sister often (send) text messages to her friends. 2 at the moment, i (learn) to use a new computer program. 3 symbols (become) more and more common in advertising. 4 i (not / own) a mobile phone at the moment. 5 i usually (understand) the symbols i see in other countries. 6 how many symbols (you / have) on your mobile? 7 john never (send) me emails or text messages. 8 red sometimes (mean) 'danger' or 'stop'. 9 (you / know) what this symbol means? 10 this mobile phone (belong) to my sister.

dilyaramazhitova dilyaramazhitova    2   10.06.2019 22:30    1

мяв1 мяв1  09.07.2020 06:29
1. sends
2. I'm learning
3. become
4. I'm not owning
5. understand
6. do you have
7. sends
8. means
9. Do you know
10. belongs
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