complete the sentences using the present perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets

1. i money to environmental organisations for the last fiva years.(donate)

2. i at the zoo for a year already! (volunteer)

3. it for two hours and it won't stop! (rain)

4. the students to reduce pollution. (try)

5. we hard toraise awareness of environmental problems. (work)

6. acid rain natural habitats for years. (destroy)

fill in the question tag

john already went to the pond,

ben has called his

some species of tiger are endangered,

camels live in the desert,

john didn't collect the cans and newspapers,

Ріo78 Ріo78    1   13.09.2019 21:04    89

zhenya214 zhenya214  07.10.2020 12:40

1. I have been donating money to environmental organisations for the last five years. (donate)

2. I  have been volunteering at the zoo for a year already! (volunteer)

3. It has been raining for two hours and it won't stop! (rain)

4. The students have been trying to reduce pollution. (try)

5. We have been working hard to raise awareness of environmental problems. (work)

6. Acid rain has been destroying natural habitats for years. (destroy)

Fill in the question tag

John has already went to the pond, hasn't he?

Ben has called his dad, hasn't he?

Some species of tiger are endangered, aren't they?

Camels live in the desert, don't they?

John didn't collect the cans and newspapers, did he?

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