Complete the sentences using the Past Simple Tense or the Present Perfect
1. Last summer I (visit)
my grandparents in a village near
2. They (live)
in Tomsk for many years and they live here
3. This year I (be)
to a summer adventure camp for the first
two months in this camp
4. My elder brother (spend)
three years ago.
5. He enjoy)
it very much.​

Дима15313 Дима15313    3   27.04.2020 06:44    2

ученик6бкласса ученик6бкласса  27.04.2020 07:30

1. Last summer i visited my grandparents in a village near Tver.

2. They lived in Tomsk for many years and they live here now.

3. This year I will go to a summer adventure camp for the first time. two months in this camp

4. My elder brother spent three years ago.

5. He enjoyed it very much.

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