Complete the sentences using the following: A/an/them/his/ her/your/-(no article) 1. Why don't you go to bed if you've got.. temperature. 2. I've hurt arm. 3. Would you like ... aspirin? 4. Have you hurt ... ankle? 5. What's ... matter? 6. He's broken ... leg. Task 3. Choose the correct answer. 1. When you've got a toothache you a) take painkillers c) have a hot drink b) use some bandage​

Алишер00001 Алишер00001    3   02.03.2020 21:46    1

Александра142000 Александра142000  11.10.2020 17:12

Task 2. Complete the sentences using the following: A/an/them/his/ her/your/-(no article):

1. Why don't you go to bed if you've got a temperature.

2. I've hurt an arm.

3. Would you like - aspirin?

4. Have you hurt your ankle?

5. What's the matter?

6. He's broken his leg.

Task 3. Choose the correct answer.

1. When you've got a toothache you a) take painkillers


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