Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 What ... (you / do) tomorrow evening? I've got two tickets for the
2 I think you (feel) better if you take the pills.
3 She ... (give) a press conference in the afternoon.
A: Watch out! You ... (bump into) the signpost.
B: Ouch! Too late!
Have you heard that Mr. Richardson ... (retire)? He...(leave) work
at the end of the first semester.
There is no point in asking her. She ... (let) us go there after we
were so rude last time.
The New Year's Eve ... (fall) on Saturday this year.
8 A: What ... (you / do) tonight Jane? Shall we go to the cinema?
B: Sorry. I have to get up at 5 o'clock tomorrow. So I... (go) to
bed early this evening.
9 Just think! This time next month we ... (ride) camels in the
shadow of the pyramids.
10 Oh no, I've deleted the whole file. 1... (have to) do everything
from the start again.

MAKAROSHKA1337 MAKAROSHKA1337    1   09.04.2020 14:23    54

sashakoshelem sashakoshelem  13.10.2020 00:02


1. are you doing

2. will feel

3. gave

A: going to bump into

retireing, is leaving

isn't letting

is falling

8. A: are you doing

B: am going

9. will ride

10. I will have to

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