Complete the sentences using Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect.

Father (watch) TV at ten o’clock yesterday.

We(play) football in the evening.

He(lock) the door.

Kate(do) her work before her parents returned home.

John(read) this book when his mother came.

2.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct (to) –inf or -ing form.

I would like(come) to your party.

Sam can(speak) English.

She went to the market(buy) some food.

Thank you for(come).

It looks like(rain).

3.Complete the sentences using the correct future form.

I promise I(do) this exercise.

I (buy) a dress.

The train(leave) at 7 pm.

I think I(learn) this poem by heart.

This time next week he (fly) to London

12233454647758886776 12233454647758886776    3   04.05.2022 12:13    5

kiramillerthe1 kiramillerthe1  04.05.2022 12:20
1 watched
2 were playing
3 loked
4 had done
5 was reading

1 to come
2 speak
3 to buy
4 coming
6 rain

1 will do
2 bought
3 will leave
4 learned
5 will fly
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