Complete the sentences using passive voice 1 james wrote email the 2 the chinese invented paper 3 my grandfather didn"t take this photograph this 4 every year? millions of people visit moskow 5 jan met me at the airport 6 andy warhol didn"t paint this picture this пасивный залог в любом времяни,тут какой указанный например в первом там в времяни и т.п

Арабика1 Арабика1    3   02.09.2019 05:50    2

Ser099gei Ser099gei  06.10.2020 11:12
1. The email was written by James.
2. Paper was invented by Chinese.
3. This photograph wasn't taken by my grandfather.
4. Moscow is visited by millions of people every year.
5. I was met by Jane at the airport.
6. This picture wasn't painted by Andy Warhol.
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