Complete the sentences using have and has. 1. we … grammar books. 2. i … a dictionary. 3. kate … a blue pen. she … a blue notebook too. 4. you … a pen in your pocket. 5. anna and bob … notebooks. they … pens too. 6. i … a grammar book. it … a new red cover. 7. you and i are students. we … books on our desks. 8. nadia isn’t in class because she … the flu. 9. mr. and mrs. johnson … two daughters.

рита436 рита436    1   30.07.2019 10:50    2

rakitina03 rakitina03  03.10.2020 17:22
1 have
2 have
3 has
4 have
5 have
6 have
7 have
8 has
9 have
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