Complete the sentences using “can, can’t, could, couldn’t”. 1. i’m afraid i … come to your party next week. 2. when tim was 16, he was a fast runner. he … run 100 metres in 11 seconds. 3. “are you in a hurry? ” “no, i’ve got plenty of time. i … wait”. 4. i was feeling sick yesterday. i … eat anything. 5. can you speak up a bit? i … hear you very well. 6. “you look tired”. “yes, i … sleep last night”. 7. … you be so kind to tell me the time, please?

qvetikp0cumc qvetikp0cumc    1   29.06.2019 04:10    3

dedmoros1234567 dedmoros1234567  23.07.2020 08:12
2 could
3 can
4 couldn't
5 can't
6 couldn't
7 could
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