Complete the sentences using a gerund from the verbs in brackets.

I remember
him at dad's birthday party. (SEE)
I don't like
up early on Sundays. (GET)
We finished
our costumes half an hour before the party started (MAKE)
He risked
all the money he had earned. (LOSE)
I can't imagine
a marathon (RUN)
We avoided
through the city during the rush hour. (DRIVE)
I never liked
in bad weather. (CYCLE)
I hate
my homework when I get home from school. (DO)
My mum prefers
to music when she has some spare time. (LISTEN)
I regretted
him along to see the concert. (TAKE)
My sister stopped
a few years ago (SMOKE)
I suggested
the dog at home with my parents. (LEAVE)
Do you mind
on the couch ? (SLEEP)
I can't stand
in line at the supermarket (WAIT).

SVTBTN SVTBTN    2   20.05.2020 20:34    116

averianova1986 averianova1986  21.12.2023 10:53
I remember seeing him at dad's birthday party. Seeing is the gerund form of the verb see. It is used here to indicate a past memory of seeing someone at a birthday party.

I don't like getting up early on Sundays. Getting is the gerund form of the verb get. It is used here to express a dislike or lack of preference for the action of getting out of bed early on Sundays.

We finished making our costumes half an hour before the party started. Making is the gerund form of the verb make. It is used here to show the completion of the action of creating or constructing costumes.

He risked losing all the money he had earned. Losing is the gerund form of the verb lose. It is used here to indicate the potential outcome of jeopardizing or risking one's earned money.

I can't imagine running a marathon. Running is the gerund form of the verb run. It is used here to express the inability to visualize or conceive of the action of participating in a marathon.

We avoided driving through the city during the rush hour. Driving is the gerund form of the verb drive. It is used here to describe the action of moving a vehicle through the city and to suggest that it was avoided due to the busy traffic during rush hour.

I never liked cycling in bad weather. Cycling is the gerund form of the verb cycle. It is used here to express a lack of enjoyment or preference for the action of riding a bicycle in unfavorable weather conditions.

I hate doing my homework when I get home from school. Doing is the gerund form of the verb do. It is used here to indicate the dislike or strong aversion towards the action of completing homework assignments after returning home from school.

My mum prefers listening to music when she has some spare time. Listening is the gerund form of the verb listen. It is used here to indicate the activity of paying attention to or enjoying music that is preferred by the speaker's mother.

I regretted taking him along to see the concert. Taking is the gerund form of the verb take. It is used here to express the feeling of remorse or disappointment regarding the decision or action of bringing someone along to attend a concert.

My sister stopped smoking a few years ago. Smoking is the gerund form of the verb smoke. It is used here to indicate the action of inhaling and exhaling tobacco or other substances, which the sister stopped doing a few years ago.

I suggested leaving the dog at home with my parents. Leaving is the gerund form of the verb leave. It is used here to propose or recommend the action of not taking the dog along but leaving it at home under the care of the speaker's parents.

Do you mind sleeping on the couch? Sleeping is the gerund form of the verb sleep. It is used here to inquire about someone's willingness or objection to the action of sleeping on the couch.

I can't stand waiting in line at the supermarket. Waiting is the gerund form of the verb wait. It is used here to express a strong dislike or annoyance towards the action of remaining in a queue or line at the supermarket.
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