Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect form of the verbs in the box and for or since. (not have _ know_write_ work_ live _watch _not rain _be _play)
1My sister ___ her friend Kate___ 2010.
2 We ___that TV series ___about three years.
3 It's really hot and dry this year. It ___at all ___May.
4 They___ basketball for the same team ___they were five
5 ___your dad in the same office ___twenty years?
6 Tara a day off school a long time.
7. you in this house ___ last June?
8 That famous author three new books last summer.

Астар Астар    2   15.02.2020 19:54    67

Саня11671873478 Саня11671873478  27.08.2020 20:12

1.has known her friend since 2010

2.have watched; for

3.hasn't rained; since

4.have played; since

5.Has your dad worked; for

6.has been; for

7.Have you lived; since

8.has written; since

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