Complete the sentences. use the present perfect. (be do eat give go put see take translate write) we have read the book. 1. school. 2. homework. 3. s pictures. 4. bill and bicycles. 5. the composition. 6. the exercise-books to the teacher. 7. his . 8. vase on the table. 9. the text. 10. the moscow.

igorkurkin02 igorkurkin02    2   20.06.2019 07:20    0

yarroslawfd yarroslawfd  16.07.2020 10:01

1. Ann has gone to school.

2. I have done my homework.

3. Bill has seen Ann s pictures.

4. Bill and I have taken our bicycles.

5. The pupil has written a composition.

6. The pupils have given their exercise-books to the teacher.

7. His pets have eaten apples.

8. Grandmother has put the vase on the table.

9. The students have translated the text.

10. The Blacks have been to Moscow.

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