Complete the sentences. Use the Present Indefinite (Simple) or Present Continuous. 1. We usually (to go) to the park on Sundays. 2. John (to wear) blue jeans very often. 3. She always (to wash) the dishes. 4. Be quiet! My sister (to sleep) at the moment. 5. He (to sleep) now? 6. They (not to have) dinner at the moment. They (to watch) TV. 7. They (not to go) to the cinema every week. 8. This ocean (to separate) the continents. 9. He always (to live) on the farm? 10. She (not to be) curious. 11. I (not to do) my homework every day. 12. You usually (to drink) tea or coffee? 13. What he (to do) now? 14. What book she usually (to read)? 16. My granny (to do) the shopping now. She always (to do) shopping on Thursday afternoons. 15. He (to want) to eat a sandwich. 16. My father (to read) magazines very often. 17. You (to listen) to music now?

LizaVeta281 LizaVeta281    2   01.12.2020 16:16    0

unicorn1213 unicorn1213  01.12.2020 16:20

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