Complete the sentences. use the correct form of the present perfect simple and for or since 1) my dad (be) ill in four days. 2) my ) in their years 3) see) jane o'clock 4) i really like this cd? but listen ) to long time 5) my sister's ) her eight times 6) we eat)

olgazdobickaya1 olgazdobickaya1    1   31.08.2019 23:50    5

missislera2017 missislera2017  06.10.2020 08:40
1) My dad has been ill in bed for four days.
2) my cousins have lived in their house for 20 years
3) i hanev`t seen Jane since 10 o'clock
4) i really like this CD? but I haven`t listened to it for a long time
5) my sister's boyfriend has phoned her eight times since Friday
6) we haven`t eaten anything for breakfast
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