Complete the sentences. Use positive and negative forms
of can / could / be able to.
Miranda believes that movies and books … give our students
the direct experiences with diversity. Her students in the face-
to-face class … get whatever they want. Before she shared Chi-
nara’s comment with them, they … be aware of the diversity
of the world. The only thing they … think of was their own
wellbeing. They often complained that they … eat their lunch
or play on slow computers. Finally, she found the medium
which … touch her students and change their perception of the
world. Miranda connected them with a real person from a poor
country. Chinara … have a tiny part of what American students
have. However, she … study in spite of poor physical condi-
tions. Now Miranda hopes her classroom class and online
class … communicate regularly. She’s realized that her stu-
dents … teach one another far better than she ever … alone.
In the future, they … become thoughtful, passionate citizens
of the world.

kotkat2014 kotkat2014    2   18.03.2020 11:11    57

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