Complete the sentences. Use Past Perfect. I) By the end of the meeting we (make) a decision
2) We(not/finish) our work in time
3) I received a bad mark because I (make) many mistakes in my
4) Although he (play) tennis before he played very badly
5)I... (not/invite) Mary to the party because I didn't want to
see her
6) Sam just get home when I phoned
7) the mother... ... (cook) dinner by the time of your arrival?
8) By 1960 most of Britain's old colonies (become
9) As I(clean my flat, it didn't look untidy
10) My phone wasn't in my bag as somebody(steal) it
Il) I didn't know her address because I (lose) the note with it
12) At first I(read) the book, then I saw the film
13) I(write) my composition by the end of the lesson
14) She(work) as a nurse before she became a doctor
15) He remembered this accident which he (see) on the road​

Sherlok2006 Sherlok2006    2   17.12.2020 15:08    3

8548 8548  16.01.2021 15:20

1. had made

2. hadn't finished

3. had made

4. had played

5. hadn't invited

6. had just got

7. Had the mother cooked

8. had become independent

9. had cleaned

10. had stolen

11. had lost

12. had read

13. had written

14. had worked

15. had seen

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