Complete the sentences, use down(on), in, off, out, up. the wood was cut … & taken away. my doctor says i should cut sweet. look, i’ve cut this article … of a magazine for you. they cut … the electricity. don’t cut … when i am speaking. i always cut … meat.

Izolda111 Izolda111    3   24.04.2019 00:00    5

GanifaGasanova505 GanifaGasanova505  08.06.2020 13:00

Complete the sentences, use down(on), in, off, out, up.

The wood was cut on& taken away.

My doctor says I should cut downsweet.

Look, I’ve cut this article in of a magazine for you.

They cut out the electricity.

Don’t cut up when I am speaking.

I always cut off meat.

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