. Complete the sentences in the Past Perfect Progressive.
1. Laura needed a break because she (study) all morning.
2. Lorraine (learn) English for 12 years before she moved to England.
3. I did not go out last night because I (work) all day.
4. Orla felt fit for the marathon because she (train) a lot.
5. When I went to see Ms Winter, her secretary told me that she (speak) on the phone for two hours.
6. You got sick because you (eat) the whole time.
7. The musician (live) in this town for ten years when he became director of the opera house.
8. We (go) out with each other for two years before I met his family.
9. The passengers (wait) for four hours before the ground staff could finally give them information on the delay of their flight.
10. I (drive) in the wrong direction for an hour before I noticed my mistake.

AndreiBrazhnikov1 AndreiBrazhnikov1    3   13.04.2020 12:26    7

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