Complete the sentences following one of the patterns for the Conditional ||| (see 'Grammar Point').
2. It...If the sea hadn't been so rough
3. Would you have been able to come next Tuesday if...?
4. If you had taken my advise .
5.If i had realised that you were really serious in what you said .
6. If it hadn't been for the fact that his father had influence .
7. If he had told me the truth in the first place .
8. Would you have lent him the money if ?

алінка20 алінка20    1   17.11.2020 23:02    0

динка82 динка82  17.12.2020 23:03
2) it would have been so windy
3)if i had invited you
4)you wouldn’t get in trouble
5)i wouldn’t have been that surprised
6)i wouldn’t have believed you
7)i wouldn’t have been so angry
8)if he had asked you to
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