Complete the sentences by changing the form of the verb in brackets (Conditional II).
1. If she (study) more, she (be) a better student.
2. We (have) a party if Alan (pass) his driving test.
3. If I (to be) you, I (to buy) this house immediately.
4. If they (not / to get) the tickets, they (not / to go ) to the concert. 5. It (not/to take) me so long to get to school, if I (to have) a bike.

anitamirzikkk anitamirzikkk    3   20.03.2022 14:35    0

kmullagalieva kmullagalieva  20.03.2022 14:40

1. If she studied more, she would be a better student.

2. We would have a party if Alan passed his driving test. 
3. If I were you, I would buy this house immediately.

 4. If they didn’t get the tickets, they wouldn’t go to the concert. 
5. It wouldn’t take me so long to get to school, if I had a bike.

Формула для условных предложений второго типа: (If Past Simple), (would + V1)

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