Complete the sentence with verbs in brackets a book and
some messages. (read, write
Martin and son a
in the swimming pool. (swim)
dovun her dog in the park. (walk)
4-mercedes and her dad
In the river. (fish)
5. His grandfather
in the garden. (work)
to stay. (fly)
Some plants n the country collect)
our ann versary at the hotel. (ceebrate)​

abroe abroe    3   12.08.2020 10:26    1

kuzmov55 kuzmov55  15.10.2020 15:51

I am reading a book and writing some messages.

Martin and son are swimming in the swimming pool.

Katerine Dovum walks her dog in the park.

Mercedes and her dad are fishing in the river.

His grandfather works in the garden.

We collected some plants in the country.

We celebrate our anniversary at the hotel.

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