Complete the second sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentences.use the word given and up ro four more words. 1.climate change is now an accepted fact. )the climate is changing 2they are optimistic about the patient's changes of recovery. the ) 3.they say taht the burglars got away by using a helicopter. the burglars __used a helicopter(said) 4.there are probably no survivors from the shipwreck. it__no survivors from the shipwreck. 5.according to experts,neanderthal man could speak in a limited way. neanderthal man__able to speak in a limited way.(believed) 6.doctors now recongise taht malaria is transmitted by the anopheles mosquito. transmitted by the anopheles mosquito.(acknowledged)

ZevsGromov ZevsGromov    2   02.09.2019 19:00    1

baikalpearl baikalpearl  06.10.2020 13:08
1. Climate change is now a common fact. It is known that this climate is changing.2. They are optimistic about the changes in the patient's recovery. They expect recovery.3. They say that the robbers have gone by helicopter. They said that the burglars used a helicopter.4. Probably there are no survivors after the shipwreck. He did not survive the shipwreck.5. According to experts, the Neanderthal man could speak in a limited way. It is believed that the Neanderthal man could speak in a limited way.6. Doctors who are now regenerating, malaria transmitted mosquito Anopheles. It is transmitted by the recognized mosquito Anopheles.
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