Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. use two five words, including the word in bold. example: george has a doctors appointment tomorrow morning. seeing george is seeing a doctor tomorrow morning. 1. anns plans for this weekend include going to the theatre. is this weekend. 2. andy cant afford to buy a new smartphone. not andy..enough money to buy a new smartphone. 3. the rain hasnt stopped, so we cant go for our jog. still so we cant go for our jog. 4. it isnt necessary to book tickets in advance. need in advance. 5. alexandra is busy with her chores right now. doing the moment. 6. you will only see emperor penguins in antarctica. do emperor else but antarctica. 7. playing squash is a regular habit of hers. usually .

Ларибум Ларибум    3   20.09.2019 14:40    1

MaaximKa228 MaaximKa228  10.09.2020 12:52
1. Ann IS going to the theatre this weekend.
2. Andy does  NOT have enough money to buy a new smartphone.
3. It is STILL raining, so we can't go for our jog.
4. We don't NEED to book tickets in advance. 
5. Alexandra is DOING her chores at the moment.
6. Emperor penguins DO not live anywhere else but Antarctica.
7. She USUALLY plays squash.
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