Complete the questions with how many or how much. complete the answershort with only a few or only a little. 1 chocolate has she got? 2 cakes did they eat? 3 cds did you buy? 4 money did he spend? 5 water did they drink? 6 emails did she send? she has got they ate i bought he spent they drank she sent

нурик283 нурик283    3   24.09.2019 10:50    5

Юлия7881 Юлия7881  08.10.2020 14:57
1 How much chocolate has she got?
2 How many cakes did they eat?
3 How many CDs did you buy?
4 How much money did he spend?
5 How much water did they drink?
6 How many emails did she send?

She has got only a little.
They ate only a few.
I bought only a few.
He spent only a little. 
They drank only a little. 
She sent only a few.
atopio atopio  08.10.2020 14:57
How much chocolate has she got? She has got a little one. How many cakes did they eat? They ate a few ones. How many CDs did you buy? I bought a few ones.How much money did he spend? He spent a little one.How much water did they drink? They drank a little. How many emails did she send? She send a few ones.
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