Complete the question with tag endings. example: linga got an invitation letter linda go an invitation letter yesterday,didn't she? 1 the friends were responsible for the 2 tomorrow the students will arrange the data and 3 jim didn't take part in the 4 there were a lot of students in the 5 mary is going to see the 6 it was sunny and warm 7 chris likes taking

Ариана145 Ариана145    3   15.07.2019 18:50    2

kense kense  21.09.2020 01:45
1 The friends were responsible for the project, weren't they? 2 Tomorrow the students will arrange the data and time, won't they? 3 Jim didn't take part in the project, did he? 4 There were a lot of students in the hall, weren't there? 5 Mary is going to see the dentist, isn't she? 6 It was sunny and warm yesterday, wasn't it? 7 Chris likes taking photos, doesn't he?
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