Complete the following exercise with a / an or the articles. Put "x" where no article is needed. According to National Weather Service, cyclones are areas of circulating winds that rotate counterclockwise in Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in Southern Hemisphere. They are generally accompanied by some kind of precipitation and by stormy weather. tornadoes and hurricanes are types of cyclones, as are typhoons, which are storms that occur in western Pacific Ocean. hurri​

Ррррр5о Ррррр5о    2   05.10.2020 15:03    13

Kutisheva2006 Kutisheva2006  05.10.2020 16:01

According to __the___ National Weather Service, __X___ cyclones are ___X___ areas of circulating winds that rotate counterclockwise in __the___ Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in ___the___ Southern Hemisphere. They are generally accompanied by some kind of ___X___ precipitation and by X___ stormy weather. X tornadoes and X__ hurricanes are ___X___ types of cyclones, as are ___X___ typhoons, which are ___X___ storms that occur in ___the__ western Pacific Ocean.


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