Complete the disjunctive questions. 1) aren't i? 2) can you? 3) didn't they? 4) has he? 5) wasn't she? 6) were they? 7) isn't there? 8) will you?

ааа513 ааа513    3   20.07.2019 19:20    1

2006veronika34 2006veronika34  25.08.2020 11:27
1) They are the students of the philosophy faculty, aren't they?
2) You can't cook spagetti Bolognese. can you?
3) They went camping last summer, didn't they?
4) He hasn't brought a frog to the biology lesson, has he?
5) Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman cosmonaut, wasn't she?
6) Misha and Max weren't best friends, were they?
7) There is a room of flower baskets in your house, isn't there?
8) You won't marry her, will you
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