Complete the dialogues with too or not enough.
O A: Is there a bank near here?
B: Yes, just go straight on down this road.
It's not foo far (far).
1 A: Should I take the bus or the train?
B: Take the train. The bus is
2 A: Do you want to go to the castle?
B: No, it's
(late) now. Let's go
3 A: Is the museum here good?
B: It's OK, but it's
(big). It only
takes an hour to see everything,
4 A: Should I turn right here to get to the castle?
B: No, it's
(soon). Take the next
5 A: Where are we?
B:1 don't know! This map is

chibitkova237 chibitkova237    1   14.05.2021 09:47    0

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