Complete the dialogue with the correct present form of the verbs given. A: Hi Billy. (1) you (go) to the sports centre?
B: Yeah. I (2) (have) tennis lessons after school on Mondays. (3) you (go) there now too?
A: Yes. I (4) (learn) how to swim. I (5) (know)! I’m a bit old! But it’s important.
B: You’re right. My sister is 18 and she can’t swim! She has regular lessons too.
A: (6) she (enjoy) them?
B: Oh yes. She (7) (have) a lesson at the moment. You can meet her.
A: My lesson (8) (not start) until 4.30. Do you want a coffee? Your sister can join us.

orxan4176 orxan4176    3   17.06.2021 00:17    5

хагагпррр хагагпррр  17.07.2021 00:17
Are you going, have, are you going, am learning, does enjoy, has, won’t start( will not start)
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