Complete the dialogs by putting the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
1) A: Where (to be) Linda?
B: She (to have) dinner again in the kitchen.
A: I (to believe) she (to eat) quite much.
B: Me too, she (not to move) much and (to become) a couch potato.
2) A: You (to hear) the noise?
B: Oh, (not to worry). It (to be) John. He (to try) to play the guitar.
3) A: Ann (to come) with the Browns?
B: She (to want) to.
A: Where they (to go)?
B: They (to fly) to Spain.

сафаралиев сафаралиев    1   17.10.2020 06:57    45

hoseokjkjk hoseokjkjk  16.11.2020 07:01

1) A: Where is Linda?

B: She is having dinner again in the kitchen.

A:I believe she eats quite much.

B: Me too, she doesn't move and becomes a couch potato.

2) A: Do you hear the noise?

B: Oh, don't worry. It's John. He is trying to play the guitar.

3) A: Is Ann coming with the Browns?

B: She wants to.

A: Where are they going to?

B: They are flying to Spain.

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