Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verb in brackets- future simple or future continuous. J: this time tomorrow, my dad and I ¹ (sit) on a train.
P:Really? Where are you doing? Anywhere nice?
J:Yes. Dad's invited me to go to London with him on Saturday.
P: Wow!
J: Tomorrow morning we ²(walk) around the city doing a bit of shopping.
P: Great! I ³(phone) you on Saturday afternoon.
J: Well that's not really a good time. On Saturday afternoon we ⁴(watch) the football match. Chelsea against Arsenal. I can't wait! You know how much I like football.
P: And you ⁵(come) home happy and relaxed. Lucky you.
J: Well I hope so. it's an important game for Chelsea.
P: it all sounds wonderful. Si what time's your train tomorrow?
J: 6 o clock
P:Alright. At 6:30, I ⁶(think) of you.
J:And I ⁷(put) some photos from our weekend on Facebook - if I remember.​

Mrmr56 Mrmr56    2   17.09.2020 13:21    38

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