Complete sentenses 1-6 with the words below. blackmailers; burglars; kidnappers; muggers; serial killers; shoplifters. when l was a little kid, lused to believe that. 1) __ were very strong people who picked up shops. people who stole burgers. were people who hit you on the head with a mug. people who sent black envelopes to people. murderers who put poison in breakfast cereals. were people who would catch kids and force them to take a nap.

msyesta msyesta    3   24.08.2019 14:40    1

gameadventgary gameadventgary  14.08.2020 19:36
1. shoplifters.
2. burglars.
3. muggers.
4. blackmailers.
5. serial killers.
6. kidnappers.
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