Complete each sentence with a word below. who ■ whose ■ when ■ where ■ which

1. Jim can’t remember the room he left his glasses. 2. He showed us the car he wants to buy. 3. That’s the man stole my bag. 4. I still remember the moment I first saw her. 5. We have never met the neighbours flat is above ours.

Combine each pair of sentences with a relative clause. Make any necessary changes. 1. I bought my first car ten years ago. I was a salesman then. 2. There is a girl in my class. Her family emigrated from India. 3. Mark’s sister is getting married tomorrow. She has just graduated. 4. Lots of people walk in the park. I jog there every morning. 5. My uncle’s farm is twenty kilometres from here. We often visit it. 6. The young boy was given a reward. He had saved the drowning child.

за правельный ответ добавлю​

ромамс ромамс    3   20.04.2020 07:22    1

Valeriya2576 Valeriya2576  13.10.2020 12:08

1 Where

2 Which

3 Who

4 When

5 Whose


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